Finest Veins for Venipuncture (IV Insertion, Drawing Blood, etc.) for Nursing, Phlebotomy, Emergency medical technicians, etc
. As a nurse, phlebotomist, or other health care expert, you’ll need to find veins for numerous venipuncture procedures, such as beginning IVs or drawing blood.
There are particular veins that tend to work well for this treatment, and other veins that tend to trigger issues. In this video, I cover a few of the very best veins for starting IVs or drawing blood.
As a nurse, it is important to learn the place of major veins in the arm and hands, as a common nursing ability is placing IVs and drawing blood.
A few of the best and most common veins include the mean cubital vein, accessory cephalic vein, mean antebrachial vein (median vein of the forearm), and the dorsal venous network.
I not just show the area of those veins, however I also include ideas such as the needle gauge size that most of those veins can handle (which can vary in grownups), in addition to some pointers on how to stabilize veins when performing venipuncture procedures.
Notes: https://www.registerednursern.com/best-veins-iv-insertion-blood-draws/
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